So, as you guys know, one of the things I enjoy most in life is being a doofus. I’ve pretty much honed that skill to a sharp point, and you poor peeps have had to bear witness to it on more occasions than I can count!
As such, you also likely know that I loved teddy bears. And whether it’s an otter or a squirrel or a thing of indeterminate origin, it’s still a teddy bear to me. Grant and I make them talk and walk and, well….sometimes hump in horrible ways. But every once and a while a teddy gets out of line and thinks he/she can take over the joint. That’s what happened today.
While I was in the shower, Cantankerous Duck took over my phone’s video camera and sent this to Daddy. Rotten little shit! I think I may have to shave him and put a Dunce Cap on him so all the other teddies know not to fuck with Mommy.
Here’s what the hubby said after seeing this: “That is fucked up cute, Bunnyhead. I’ll rescue you baby doll… nasty little gangster duck.”
HA! I love how he just rolls with my insanity. Bless that man.